WebPage |
https://websites.auth.gr/mvalyrakis/ |
E-Mail |
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Phone |
2310-995952 |
Fax |
Office |
215 2nd level, Building of Hydraulic Engineering, Polytechnic School AUTH |
Office Hours |
Wednesday & Thursday 11:00-13:00 |
Academic Titles |
MEng Civil Engineering AUTh, 2004. MSc Civil Engineering AUTh, 2005. PhD Virginia Tech, 2011. |
Research Interests |
- Study multiphase and granular flow dynamics, at natural environments (fluvial and aeolian transport of coarse sediment particles) and around built infrastructure (i.e., past hydraulic structures).
- Develop novel measurement techniques (environmental sensors) and innovative applications in water engineering research, geomorphology and earth surface hazards (monitoring and prediction)
- Apply new theoretical (deterministic) and probabilistic approaches for the transport of solids in turbulent flows.
- Design and conduct innovative physical (experimental and field) and computational modeling studies for improving our understanding of planetary surface transport processes.
- Apply insights obtained from experimental and filed studies into novel modeling and prediction frameworks finding applications across spatio-temporal scales (including hydro-environment studies, eco-hydraulics, stream restoration, woody debris and riparian vegetation and management, vegetation and fish habitat hydrodynamics and their interactions).
- Advance the understanding of earth surface processes using hydro-informatics and Artificial Intelligence methods (also finding applications in water resource management prediction and optimization).
- Improve risk assessment studies and mitigation measures/designs of protections, based on ecologically sound and physically relevant first principles (including flood modeling, scour about support structures such as piers and monopiles, erosion of riverbeds and riverbanks).
- Optimize the use of sustainable practices for the management of water resources within the Water-Energy-Food nexus (including the operation of energy generation systems).
Teaching |
Course Teaching Undergraduate courses
- "Fluid Mechanics"
- "Hydraulics"
- "Hydraulics of open pipelines and rivers"
- "Design and construction of dams" "Natural hazards"
Quality Assurance Unit (MODIP) A.U.Th |