The Laboratory of Maritime Engineering and Maritime Works (School of Civil Engineering, AUTh) cordially invites you to the final workshop of Accu-Waves project.
Time: Tuesday, Jul 5, 2022, 11:00 AM (EEST) Online event
An open-to-public registration form is available at:
Event agenda:
- Intro to Accu-Waves: A Decision support tool for navigation management in ports (NTUA)
- Simulation Models: (Joint presentation NTUA-AUTh):
- Storm surge model (AUTH)
- Offshore spectral wave model (NTUA)
- Port basin wave model (AUTH)
- Integration of the three models (NTUA/AUTH)
- Accu-Waves architecture, from data acquisition to model execution orchestration (MT)
- Tool Live demonstration(MT)
- Open discussion
Ports are vital links for the maritime network and their seamless operation is crucial for the efficiency and safety of maritime transportation.
Recent reports of maritime accidents show that most of them occur within ports. In many cases, those accidents could have been avoided if additional means of support for navigation had existed.
The Αccu-Waves project (abbrev. for Accurate Waves) contributes to this direction as it has developed a decision support tool for navigation in ports that provides reliable predictions of prevailing sea conditions in port approaches and harbor basins in 3-day forecasts at 3-hour intervals.
Accu-Waves contributes to the safety of maritime transportation, by forecasting sea states and analyzing related environmental data. This contribution’s impact on the maritime ecosystem is twofold. It provides quality data for limiting the human error in navigation (I.M.O. e-Navigation strategy) and improves our understanding of operational conditions during towage and navigation services.
The latter is a necessary step to support the EU Space Agency’s proposed procedure for certified navigation paths in and around ports.
The operational GIS tool is available online at the following link: