Σας προσκαλούμε στη διάλεξη του ομότιμου καθηγητή του Πανεπιστημίου της Καρλσρούης κ. Gerd Gudehus με τίτλο «Critical phenomena in lithosphere and atmosphere‘ - a challenge for aeolic parks
with gravitational storage. Ανέκδοτα ενός ιδιώτη», η οποία θα πραγματοποιηθεί τη Δευτέρα 2 Οκτωβρίου, στις 18:30, στην Αίθουσα συνεδριάσεων του Τομέα Υδραυλικής και Τεχνικής Περιβάλλοντος του Τμήματος Πολιτικών Μηχανικών ΑΠΘ.
Ακολουθεί σύντομο βιογραφικό σημείωμα και η περίληψη της ομιλίας του κ. Gudehus.
Σύντομο βιογραφικό σημείωμα του κ. Gudehus
Gerd Gudehus, born 1938, obtained the diploma of civil engineering 1962 at the TU Berlin, and the Dr.-Ing. there 1968 on soil mechanics. Moving thereafter to the Uni Karlsruhe, he obtained the habilitation 1972 and took over the Chair of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering 1973. Until 2006 his team worked out various mechanical models of soils and methods of geotechnical engineering. More than 70 of his students achieved a Dr.-Ing., thereafter more than 20 of them a chair. As Emeritus since 2006 Gudehus focussed on critical phenomena, first with sand and then with rock, and more recently also on the underground gravitational storage of energy.
Περίληψη της διάλεξης του κ. Gudehus
Lithosphere and atmosphere have quite different gravitational, thermal, kinetic and elastic energies per unit of volume, and fractal features differ also at first glance. However, seismic and acoustic power spectra indicate similar white noise and peaks, which indicate fractal distributions of physical quantities. Therefore densities and stresses are quasi-local, and gradients and rates make sense only with an adequate scanning and smoothing out. An objective scaling is obtained with the k-ζ.model wherein 1/ζ represents the quasi-local maximal size of eddies. Similar rather fractal structures arise in the lithosphere by isobaric shearing with dilatancy. They can lead to seismic chain reactions with contractancy, while cyclones could similarly arise in the atmosphere. The energy production of aeolic parks could be estimated with the k-ζ.model, but fluctuations of successive cyclones constitute a challenge. The storage for calm periods can be achieved by lifting the ground above an inflated double membrane of bentonite installed by injection. For required depths of a few km relics of critical phenomena constitute another challenge.