Introduction | Cross Section | Mode of Construction | Equipment


As planned, breakwater head C will include the following:

  • Caulked metal lamp mast at the highest pier: it consists of a metal tube, of a Ö200 cross-section, 20-cm wide, on top of which a metal ring, of 1.20-m diameter and 0.60-m wide, is based.
  • Prefabricated round-shaped chamber, where a liquid gas facility is kept.
Docking in the Breakwater head

  • Installation of a medium-sized bollard (50 tonnes), which is required, because of the possible combinations for the use of this front include the possibility that, the stern or bow ropes of cruise ships, as the case may be, over the A9 angle, may bind to breakwater head C.


The main material used in the formation of the breakwater heads is white concrete. All concrete elements and both lighthouses, the guardhouses that accommodate feeding with fuel and the foundations of both metal booms of the lighthouses are made of white concrete.
The rest of the surfaces are formed with coating concrete through hardening substance to increase in the superficial strength and the scaling apophysis.

Technical studies

Project construction

Financial data