Introduction | Excavations | Quay-wall Cross Section | A.B. Construction | Quay-wall Equipment


Basically, the marina consists of two individual basins, a separation that was achieved with the use of the bridge that connects the artificial island with the coast.

The general arrangement of the marina's quay walls (back side of the artificial island) was chosen in a way that the entire construction forms a picturesque and harmonic set, which improves the port's aesthetics and harmonizes well with the landscape.

The quay walls of the marina play a dual role:

  • They are a part of the marina in Tourlos bay (which is to be completed in the future).
  • They are necessary for the caisson and the protection of landfills on the artificial island and the coast.
Landfills behind the shallow quay walls

Brief Presentation of the Marina Quay Walls
Cross Section 3 successive artificial concrete blocks B225
Superstructure B225 Concrete
Foundation Cleansing layer, 2.50m minimum width
Change of Direction Either with 3 special artificial blocks or with in-situ poored concrete
Effective Depths at the Foot - 4.30 m
  • Mooring rings (per 5.0 metres)
  • Four bollards, with 15 t tensile force
  • 3 PVC pipes, of Ö80 diameter (water supply, electricity etc.)
  • Ö100 PVC pipes (storm water run-out network)
  • Access wells per 15 m

Technical studies

Project construction

Financial data