Introduction | Excavations | Quay-wall Cross Section | A.B. Construction | Quay-wall Equipment


Concrete construction of artificial blocks  
  1. The concrete pouring of artificial blocks took place on the coast on fully levelled concrete deck.
  2. The steel formworks are spread internally with a lubricant material so they can be easily removed. In the meantime, they are reinforced with ribs and cables so as to provide absolute planarity of the surfaces.
  3. The concrete quality is B225, both for artificial blocks and superstructures.
Concrete deck
Concrete construction of A.B.
Removal of iron types
Transport-Installation of Artificial Blocks
The transport of the artificial blocks took place 20 days after concrete pouring and installation was done with the help of LIMA 2400 car ferry. A maximum of 55 artificial blocks were installed per day.

Installation of Artificial Blocks
In the meantime, it was decided to preload the finished piles of artificial blocks with the addition of two artificial blocks per pile. Preloading took place for a period of 10 days starting from the placing of the last layer of blocks and, in any case, for a period of 5 days after the completion of any significant settlements (on the order of 1 cm) so that there will be no risk of settlements due to a sudden collapse of the ground or the foundation ripraps and other materials.
Preloading of Artificial Blocks

Technical studies

Project construction

Financial data