Introduction | Excavations | Quay-wall Cross Section | A.B. Construction | Quay-wall Equipment


The marina's quay walls provided for in this project are built with a cross section of three successive blocks, types 1,2 and 3. (click to enlarge)
At the footing, a protective concrete slab of dimensions 2.50x2.50x0.30m., is placed to protect from erosion and undermining. The formed depths at the footing of the quay walls are 4.30m below sea level.
Wherever there is to be a change in the direction of the footing for the formation of the formed angle, either 3 special artificial blocks (4, 5 and 6) or in-situ poured submerged concrete planned to any small construction discrepancies.
This way suceeds in reducing the divergence between land survey and construction.
Piles of 3 successive artificial blocks are supported on a cleansing layer, 2.50-m minimum thickness, which is laid into the excavated foundation groove.
The layer consists of:

  1. 1.50 m gravel spread on the sea bottom.
  2. On top of that, 1.0 m riprap, of 0.1 to 1.00 kg gradation.

In areas where the foundation is made with a landfill, i.e., where natural depths exceed -4.00 m, the cross section is formed once again on a prism, the lowest level of which consists of 1.50-m ballast on the bottom and above that riprap of variable thickness, always with a -4.30-m crest. All references of level are meant as below sea level.

Ground view of Artificial Block
Change of direction
Supporting of Artificial Blocks
Quay-wall Cross Section

Technical studies

Project construction

Financial data