Introduction | Excavations | Quay-wall Cross Section | A.B. Construction | Quay-wall Equipment


Excavations in the area of the basin aim at:

Excavation of foundation grooves
  1. Forming adequate depth in the sea zone between the artificial island and the coastline, so that ships may enter and move to the quay walls of the northern side of the artificial island. The scheduled excavations extend down to the maximum depth of -6.80 m.
  2. Forming foundation grooves on the sea bottom for placing the artificial blocks of the quay walls. (If they consist of sand, the excavation products can be used as a landfill material). It must be noted that, due to the small loading of the quay walls in the marina area and considering the the good characteristics of the bottom layers in terms of liquefaction, it is considered that the vibro compacted method can be omitted

Landfills behind the shallow quay walls

Granular, non-cohesive materials either coming from borrow pits or excavation products derived from the sandy bottom of the marina and the port, will be used as a landfill material.
These materials must:

  1. Meet the specifications and they will be checked.
  2. The use of dredges as a tool of reef landfills is allowed only if it is mixed with other materials of different gradation.
Landfills behind the shallow quay walls
The landfills behind the quay walls of the northern side of the artificial island will be placed up to a level of 10 cm below the final level of the footing. The upper 10-cm landfill will consist of a crusted material for the creation of a temporary passable surface. Zoom
Overview of Landfills

Technical studies

Project construction

Financial data